Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Very 1st "About Me" on Myspace (May 2007)

I was just 14 years old when I wrote this short little biography of myself on my Myspace profile. I'd say I'm quite the storyteller. Anyway, this is the 6 year old original unedited, unrevised version of my Myspace profile's About Me section along with it's original font, and text size. I eventually updated it and you can check out the newer and more descriptive version by clicking here.
Current mood:

Well, Here's my life story. I was born on a cold winter day at Harlem Hospital. I went to Preschool (and cried like a freakin baby all the time) at kennedy preschool.I then went to ps 23 from kindergarden to 2nd grade. I was like the smartest reader in my class. Then i decided to do comedy at 3rd grade in ps 20. I was the class clown (and still am). I then went to ps 59 (4th and 5th grade) and met my soon to be 4th to 8th grade Friend Aaron. I was the joker,he was the laugher. In 5th grade we actually won an award for being funny. I advanced to middle School at Middle School 45 where I learned slang, curses, girls and to always hang (chill) with the cool people to get respect. Currently i am still at that (horrible!!!) school (did i say i was an 8th grader at the time)till the 22nd of june 2007. Then I will go to Theodore Roosevelt H.S. (program: West Bronx Academy For The Future)