Friday, April 27, 2012

Hitting A Fresh Milestone

This blog was originally posted on Myspace on April 27th 2012.

This is the link to the article that started all of this -

A year and 21 days ago, I was just your average everyday guy still using Myspace even though none of my friends do anymore. I follow @Myspace on Twitter and that's where I find the links to their latest news articles. They posted a tweet with a link to their article. In that article, I could ask a question to a cast member of the movie Fast Five for their press junket. Being that it was a few weeks after WrestleMania 27, I decided to choose The Rock. In the form of a comment, I typed these exact words in "complete the sentence format"
"If I Had One Nice Thing To Say About John Cena, It Would Be __________".

2 weeks after I wrote that, I thought there wouldn't be a chance that my question would be answered since it had nothing to do with the movie Fast Five. Little did I know, not only was my question brought up, unlike a separate video where the Cast of Fast Five answered movie related questions (aka a press junket), this video was exclusively answered by Dwanye "The Rock" Johnson himself.

I just noticed that the video
that is supposed to be here along with the article it was originally posted on, were both removed by Myspace. The YouTube version was removed as well. But luckily, the video embedded below the next paragraph has that original "Rock Majorly Insults John Cena" video about a minute in.

Myspace tweeted the link to that video, and before I watched it, I remember saying to myself "Uh Oh". Because I didn't think that my question would be featured so prominently and exclusively. And then I watched that video. The Rock basically took 30 seconds of his time to insult John Cena as opposed to answering my question. I had to watch it a few more times to get it through my mind. People were commenting their honest thoughts on both Rock & Cena below that article and barely even mentioned me. And later that night, I came up with the idea to respond. Know This: I'm not like any other person you will see. If my name or image is brought up, I'm not gonna sit down quietly and let life go on, like most people would in that situation. I will talk back. And that's exactly what I did. And when I did, I made sure that the day my video response was uploaded, would be on a day that will not be forgotten. May 2nd, 2011 (the day of Rocky's 39th Birthday). 

Throughout the year, I've been posting a few more videos relating to this subject and you can view them all in the form of this YouTube playlist, and my Myspace channel. 

And now today is April 27th, 2012. And the response video above is almost a year old. The day the video where The Rock "majorly insulted John Cena" was uploaded on Myspace on April 27th, 2011. I can proudly say that the video titled "Re: Watch Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Majorly Insult John Cena" has over 1,000 views as of today. I'm guessing the average major Youtube star probably gets 1,000 views in less than an hour. I'm currently not a "Big Name Youtube Celebrity", but the stars aligned for me today. Exactly one year after I got my small chance to be in the spotlight, I get One Thousand Views on that low quality, low budget video that I edited using Windows Live Movie Maker and recorded with the VGA Quality front facing camera on my 4th gen iPod Touch.... that I am really proud of.

Here's the part where I say my cheesy Thank You's. First of all, Thanks To Myspace. I don't call myself the "Fresh Sole Survivor Of Myspace" for any stupid reason. I've been an active Myspace user since May of 2007 and I have not once turned my back on it like my friends have. Still being a fan of this website (Myspace) and never giving up on it, is the reason why I have this little bit of fame that I can always brag about. Even though I'm not a fan of The Rock, I gotta thank the guy. He's given me a chance to show the world my "Mr. FreshleMania" persona and the blue shaded sunglasses that I wear on camera. Thanks to John Cena. If I wasn't a huge fan of him and the WWE, I wouldn't have had a reason to post the question that started it all. Also Thanks to Microsoft, Apple, Dell and Google for providing me with the tools to do this. But most importantly, thanks to the 1,000+ people that took 5 minutes out of their day to watch my nervous self talking to a camera even though they had absolutely no idea who I was. There will not be another video of me discussing this issue unless either The Rock or John Cena address it first.

Ok, enough of talking about this. I'm going to keep on striving for the opportunity to live the famous life I'm currently hoping for and if this subject ever gets brought up to my attention again, I'll be watching, I'll be responding, and I'll be ready.

- Ray "Mr. FreshleMania" Maldonado
The Fresh Sole Survivor Of Myspace

p.s. If you want to watch me FINALLY see Dwayne in person, well here you go!